Sunday, December 30, 2012

Lambdas: Coming to JDK8 Soon!

It's exciting to see lambdas finally making it into Java after so long! I was excited to learn about it, so I whipped up some sample code and am doing a presentation on JDK8 Lambdas for some other developers.

One caveat: As I write this, the lambda API is still under development, and it's tricky to learn an API and write samples that work when the API changes from day to day. When I migrated from JDK8 dev build 64 to build 69, classes had been renamed and methods had moved or disappeared. The presentation here uses lambda build 69, and the code samples in the presentation are fully functional but will undoubtedly be out of date when the lambda API is finalized.

Be that as it may, it's exciting to learn a completely new way of doing things, especially in Java. You can check out my presentation for all the details, but the critical resources might be nice to have available here:

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